Your Local Marketing Experts

Elevate Your Business Sales with Professional Marketing Power

*Notice: The results of our clients and customers vary so we apologize in advance if we make you too much money*

Google Business Profile Optimization

"The single best investment a local business can make in marketing"
Read below, but in case you're not a reader... Click here to see the TLDR

Are you tired of feeling like a tiny minnow swimming in a vast digital ocean? 
Running a local business in today's digital world can be overwhelming, my friend... 
The constant struggle to get noticed online...
The never-ending battle against those ever-changing algorithms...
and the sheer frustration of seeing your competitors triumphantly outshine you...
it can leave you feeling stuck, lost, and downright discouraged...
But fear not, for I bring you tidings of great joy and a solution that will catapult your business to the top of the local search results!
Allow me to introduce you to our (not-so) revolutionary service—Google Business Profile (GBP) Optimization. 
Picture this: 
Your business standing tall and proud...
Towering over the competition in the local search results...
Customers will flock to your doorstep like bees to honey...
Drawn in by the irresistible allure of your optimized Google Business Profile. 
Can you imagine the sheer exhilaration of watching your business soar to new heights of success?
With our expertise and guidance, that vision will become your glorious reality.
We understand the battles you face as a local business owner. 
Your days are packed to the brim... 
wearing a gazillion hats and juggling more tasks than you can count...
Navigating the treacherous waters of digital marketing can feel like attempting to navigate a raging storm, my friend.
But fear not...
we are here to be your trusted lighthouse...
guiding you safely through the darkness and leading you towards a brighter future.

No more second-guessing or throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks...
Our team of battle-hardened experts will optimize your Google Business Profile with the precision and finesse of a master chef crafting a gourmet meal. 
We'll ensure that your business shines brighter than a supernova, commanding attention and respect from all who stumble upon it. 
You'll be the undisputed ruler of your local domain, the go-to choice for customers seeking the very best.
But hold your horses, my friend...
because it's not just about appearances and vanity metrics. 
Our GBP Optimization service is all about cold, hard results that will have your cash register singing a merry tune. 
More traffic? 
You got it. 
More leads? 
Consider it done. 
More customers? 
Your revenue will skyrocket faster than a rocket ship on a mission to the moon. 
No more fretting about where your next customer will come from—our service will ensure a steady stream of eager patrons knocking at your door.
We firmly believe in forging deep, meaningful connections with our clients. 
We take the time to understand your wildest dreams and aspirations. 
Together, we'll create a masterpiece—a vision of success that aligns perfectly with your deepest desires. 
We'll be your steadfast companion on this epic journey, providing unwavering support, regular progress updates, and the unwavering confidence that comes from having a true ally in your corner.
So, my friend, let's cast aside the shackles of intimidation and embrace the digital world with open arms.
It's time to seize control and unleash the untapped potential of your business. 
Let our GBP Optimization service be your guiding light, illuminating the path to greatness. 
Your business deserves to shine, and we're here to make it happen.
Are you ready to step up your game and leave your competition in the dust? 
We firmly believe that GBP Optimization is a game-changer for local businesses like yours...
It's the smartest investment you can make...
Especially when your customers are actively searching for local providers like you. 
By building trust and authority with Google and other search engines, you can secure top rankings on Google Maps and maintain them for years to come.
Investing in GBP Optimization is a gift that keeps on giving...
Month after month, you'll reap the rewards and witness exponential growth. 
With our proven methodologies, you can stay ahead of the competition and watch your business soar. 
We've got our finger on the pulse of Google's latest updates, ensuring your business remains visible, relevant, and unstoppable.
What are you waiting for?

Keys to Success

This is what you need to know so we're on the same page expectations wise...

How do I know how far my GBP could reach? 

Google the top 5 phrases you want to win when looking at a map of your area. If the map zooms out, then you likely can have a wider reach. If it doesn't zoom out, then you're surrounded by competition, and the area your Google Business Profile (GBP) will reach will be limited. It can still produce a great Return on Investment (ROI), but for example, a coffee shop in New York City isn't going to show up for a person searching 7 miles away (not when there are hundreds of coffee shops between you and them).

What about my website SEO?

It is recommended for you to have content on your site about the keywords you want to target. This is a factor that does affect Google Business Profile (GBP) / Map rankings. If you have no content on your website about the services you provide, then you are at a disadvantage. In addition, we will have little information about how you provide that service to properly optimize your listing with. For these types of situations, a GBP Plus SEO package is recommended.

Without reviews, we can't win...

We will provide resources to help you acquire reviews, but without your active participation in acquiring reviews, we can optimize your listing, but it won't win if the disparity of reviews compared to your competitors is too significant.

Do you have any discounts?

We are confident in our services, and we want to make sure YOU are as committed to your success as we are. We have a minimum 3-month service agreement, but we do have discounts for longer agreements. 6 month agreements get a $50/mo discount, 12 month agreements get a $100/month discount.

Why Choose Us?

1. We pass everything we do through a simple litmus test. 

Five questions must be answered of things we think, say, or do: • Is it the TRUTH? • Is it FAIR to all concerned? • Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? • Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? • Is it the RIGHT thing to do? 
We will not engage in underhanded marketing techniques or black hat marketing techniques, nor will we work with companies involved with adult themes, gambling, or activities that we consider morally questionable, or that may exploit anyone.

2. Work with us or not... but...

Whether you invest with us, or another GBP Optimization Firm, make sure to discover the exact tactics the GBP Optimization Firms use. We are a high-value content first SEO Firm which has proven to provide long-term benefits to our customers. We find that augmenting citations without quality, optimized content on the GBP listing is the hard way of doing things...

3. We become an extension of your team

Not only are we THE BEST at what we do, but we dedicate ourselves to your success. The quality of our work speaks for itself, but we don't stop there. We work hand in hand with you to help you achieve your dreams.


Here is a list of our fixed-price plans suitable for any company and business.

GBP Optimization


per locationper month

● Launch into the top 3 results in Google Maps!● Skyrocket your search engine Traffic● Increase new quality customers by up to 50% in just 3 months● Reach your revenue goals, without breaking the bank

Local SEO Addon


per month

● Content first SEO strategies that withstand the algorithm changes● Take control of your organic traffic● Dominate your local market, become the Go-To in your industry